Clear, consistent messaging will drive home what’s unique about your products, services or offerings.

To help you create effective communications for your international audience, we’ve developed some key messages for Australia’s people, places and products, with proof points to support them.

Australia is home to a highly creative and skilled workforce

As one of the most multicultural and multilingual countries in the world, Australia’s greatest asset is our talented people.

13th largest economy

The Australian economy is set to become the world’s 13th largest economy in 2022, according to the International Monetary Fund

(Source: Why Australia - Benchmark Report)

#1 for stability

Pre-pandemic, Australia ranked 1st for macroeconomic stability, which considers inflation and debt dynamics

(Source: WEF Global Competitiveness Report)

Australia is one of the easiest places in the world to do business

Australia rose to 14th place for ease of doing business compared to other countries, in 2020

(Source: Why Australia - Benchmark Report)

Most popular place to work in the Asia Pacific

Australia is the most desired place to work in the Asia Pacific, and the 3rd most popular globally

(Source: Decoding Global Talent, Onsite and Virtual | BCG)

Australia is a nation of inventors and entrepreneurs

Australia’s products, from health and beauty to premium food and beverages, are sought after the world over for their high-quality ingredients, safe production and innovative uses.

Creator of life-changing innovations

Australians have helped create the electronic pacemaker (1926), the ‘black box’ flight recorder (1958), ultrasound (1961), multi-channel cochlear implants (1970s), the polymer banknote (1988), Wi-Fi (1990s), Google Maps (2003) and a cervical cancer vaccine (2006).

5th best product market

Australia has the 5th best product market in the world, based on trade competition and domestic openness

(Source: WEF Global Competitiveness Report)

Food and fibre in demand

Australia rose to 14th place for ease of doing business compared to other countries, in 2020

(Source: Why Australia - Benchmark Report)